Reception to Year 6

Quality Learning at St Joseph's

Embracing every

By encouraging your child to imagine, discover and create,
they can build meaningful connections with their world and
grow in confidence and skills to achieve excellence.


We Understand

We understand the great trust you place in a school to provide your child with quality learning and care in their primary years.


Learning Environment

Our learning environment aligns with the Australian Curriculum and draws on the principals of inquiry based learning and our Catholic heritage to acknowledge and celebrate your child as capable and competent.


Our Commitment

Our committed staff work hard to provide contemporary, quality learning opportunities at every stage of your child's development.



We are passionate about engaging children in their learning, providing opportunities for students to reflect, self-assess and monitor their goals in addition to the instruction by their teacher.

Learning Pathways

At St Joseph's School, we provide a comprehensive curriculum where STEM and Inquiry Learning are deeply embedded. We support all parents and families who seek a Catholic Education for their child within our community, which embraces valuing oneself, one's community and one's relationship with God.

Our program is carefully designed to support the developmental needs of children in three distinct educational stages:



Students in Preschool begin their journey at St Joseph's from 4 years of age. 


Learn more about Preschool >


Find out when your child is eligible to start Preschool >


Early Years

From Reception to Year 2 

We support students in the Early Years to develop literacy skills by incorporating the InitiaLit program for all students.

Students requiring additional support are offered the opportunity of the MiniLit intervention program.



Primary Years

From Year 3 to Year 6

We support students in the Primary Years to develop literacy skills by incorporating the 'Seven Steps to Writing Success' program and composing written text across the curriculum for all students.

Students requiring additional support are offered the opportunity of the MacqLit intervention program.


Religious EducationDeepen students' understanding of Catholic Tradition.

At St Joseph's all curriculum areas incorporate a religious dimension in the Catholic tradition. While 'religious education' can be understood in a broad sense to encompass the religious nature of school life, there is also a core Learning Area called 'Religious Education'.

Religious Education Curriculum

Religion is taught using the Religious Education Curriculum, entitled Crossways.

The Crossways Curriculum supports the integration of faith, life and culture and provides a clear framework for the development of teaching and learning within the Key Learning Area of Religious Education.

The purpose of Religious Education is to deepen students' understanding of the Catholic Tradition, to develop an appreciation of its significance in their lives, so that they may participate in the life of the Church and wider society.

Deepening our Understanding

Other aspects connected with, but not contained within the Religious Education curriculum, include the Made In the Image of God: Human Sexuality Program and On the Holy Ground, an ecological vision for Catholic Education SA.

The Made in the Image of God program is based on the fundamental belief that humans are made in God's image and are deserved of the utmost dignity and respect. The program is delivered, often as part of an integrated curriculum approach, across each year level from Reception to Year 6 during Term 3.

Extra-curricular Programs

We also offer a rich and diverse extra-curriculum program. Through it, your child can discover new interests, develop existing skills and explore real-world learning across a range of activities.

Physical Education at St Joseph'sA healthy body is just as important to our overall wellness as having a healthy mind.

We offer a comprehensive physical education program, Reception to Year 6 that is aligned to the Australian Curriculum - Health and Physical Education with a focus on movement and physical activity.

Various sporting opportunities are offered in school and after school.


Our Sport Program

The comprehensive Education program we offer at St Joseph's is built on the Australian Curriculum and includes a fitness program organised and facilitated by our senior students.


Swimming & Aquatics

Students from Reception to Year 4 participate in a week-long Swimming Program every year.

Aquatics is designed for students from Year 5 and 6 and includes water-based activities such as rowing and kayaking.


Sporting Clinics

These occur throughout the year and give children a valuable way of developing their skills, attitudes and expertise in specific sports and teamwork.

Students respond well to the expert coaching, and access to various sporting codes.


Sporting Carnivals

These give student opportunities to apply the individual skills mastered during PE lessons in a team context.

After School Sports

Your child can get involved in many sporting opportunities throughout the year to stay fit and establish lifelong friendships.

At the end of each year, our whole school community comes together to celebrate our Sports' program, achievements of the children and recognise the valuable contribution of volunteer parents and friends in making our program possible.

A wide variety of co-curricular sports are available at St Joseph's Hindmarsh, these include Basketball, Netball, Soccer, Cricket, Hot Shot Tennis and Lacrosse.




Played at St Clair Tuesday nights for students in Reception to Year 6 over the year.



Competitions run throughout the year. 
NetSetGO skills based sessions run after school in Terms 2 and 3 for Early Years students.



Played at St Clair and West Beach on Saturday mornings for students in Reception to Year 6.

Affiliated with North West Junior Soccer Association.



Cricket Blast - skills based sessions run after school in Terms 1 and 4 for students Reception to Year 2.

Master Blasters - modified cricket competition played at Woodville South on Saturday mornings in Terms 1 and 4 for Year 2 and 3 students.


Hot Shot Tennis

Skills based sessions run after school in Terms 1 and 4 for Early Years students.

Learning Languages: ItalianUnderstanding the nature of language, culture and the processes of communication.

Learning languages develops an understanding of how culture shapes world views and extends the learners' understanding of themselves, their own heritage, values, culture and identity.

At St Joseph's our students learn Italian which extends the capability to communicate, develop intercultural capabilities and strengthen intellectual, analytical and reflective capabilities, and enhances creative and critical thinking. 
* Australian Curriculum (ACARA)

Read more from the Australian Curriculum >



Performing Arts at St Joseph'sOpportunities for students to develop their musical talents in specific ways.

Studies tell us that drama, music and dance can help the body and mind work together, develop creativity and build important pathways in the brain that can serve us positively through life.

Our contemporary curriculum at St Joseph's incorporates drama, music and dance in the Reception to Year 6 curriculum. We also provide other opportunities for students to develop their performing arts talents in specific ways, including individual instrumental tuition and live performances.


Instrumental Program

Is your child a budding piano, flute, guitar, ukuele, violin or drumming virtuoso? 

Individual tuition is available from Year 1 onwards during class time if you would like to make this available for your child. In Year 5, your child can join our School Band and they will be invited to join in the CESA ensemble when they are proficient in their instruments.


Choir and the Catholic Schools Music Festival

Year 5 and 6 students who enjoy singing can participate in the annual Catholic Schools Music Festival. Through weekly choir lessons, they will learn breath control, voice production and expand their repertoire. Our choir will then join those of other Catholic schools in a 400-strong massed choir, giving St Joseph's students the opportunity to perform on stage for a supportive audience of parents and friends.

Along the way, students can audition for more prominent roles, including solo parts or can be involved in other roles such as compering the performance on the night.

Excursions & IncursionsExperiences that enhance and enrich classroom learning, at school and beyond it.


School Camp

A highlight for senior students each year is the 3 day, 2 night camp. These camps have many benefits for children, giving them a safe environment in which to make new friends, foster personal independence, build confidence and learn new skills, from communication, to conflict resolution to teamwork and leadership.

Year 4 students can experience similar benefits on a smaller scale across an overnight camps.

Year 5 and 6 students are also invited to take part in the Vinnies Winter Sleepout.


Biennial Art Show

Students can explore and express their creativity and artistic capabilities through the biennial Art Show. We display the work of students in gallery style and invite parents to a social gathering to view and celebrate the achievements of their child.


Concert & Carol Evening

The opportunity to perform can provide valuable motivation and encouragement for students as they develop their performance skills. Every two years, St Joseph students showcase their performing arts development at a School Concert attended by parents and friends.

In alternate years, our school hosts a Carols Night and Family Picnic in the school grounds.

Students and staff work together with enthusiasm and vigour for each event to provide a rich and memorable experience for everyone involved.